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Join our special services

11 November, Saturday 2:45pm

Three Wise Men

Can a man by his wisdom discover God? Will his mental journey lead him to true enlightenment? The ones in the past who desired immortality - did they truly know there is eternal life to be found, or were they merely driven by the fear of death? What if the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God? Sages in the past had spoken. Modern gurus have repudiated, or otherwise revised the sayings of the ancients. Sages have sounded like fools and fools have sounded like sages. Good heavens, where shall we go from here?




True Jesus Church Singapore

We have four places of worship, and we gather for Sabbath and night worship services. (Sabbath is the seventh day of the week, observed from Friday evening to Saturday evening, as a day of rest and worship.) 


Join us for an in-person service!

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Frequently asked questions

Common questions about the beliefs of True Jesus Church

What makes a church?

How should I choose a church?

How do I know that God is real?

Who/What is the Holy Spirit?

Recommendations for you


What is the Sabbath really about?

Know the truth about the Sabbath.


Made for man: Understanding the Sabbath grace

The Sabbath, law, and grace.


A biblical history of the Sabbath

Looking at the Sabbath's past in the Bible, and why we need to diligently enter into the Sabbath rest

Reach out to us

Curious to learn more about the Bible or its gospel of salvation? Have any inquiries? We are happy to mail you free leaflets, arrange Bible studies with you, and answer your questions. 


You can also call us at +65-6875 0479 (Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm) or drop us an email at [email protected].

Thanks for getting in touch, we will get back to you soon.

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